
A drabble: Oratorio

Hey hey hey, I have just thought in publishing a drabble (it's like a short story) I wrote for One Piece, which is my new manga of the moment. So so great, you can't imagine.
Well, it's likely you won't understand a thing if you don't read One Piece. But still, here is my text I translated from the French version.
It's about Nico Robin and Zoro. Robin thinking.
Disclaimer: One Piece owns to its author, Eiichiro Oda.


Touch. Light one. Should you really break my fall? That would not have killed me; I suppose I have become insensitive to another impact after the lightning attack. And yet you have sprung up by my sides automatically, your forearm beneath my waist, barely brushing me, without dropping your katana... What are you thinking about? Don't turn your back on the enemy! That would-be god could take advantage of your absent-mindedness to blow down you, like he did for me. It's not the moment to get worried about a woman, usually able to defend herself alone, a woman who just inspires distrust in you and to whom you do not owe anything!
"She's a woman." After this move which was uncalled for, that insane observation. I can feel the anger in this statement tinged with threat. She's a woman; you cannot hit her that violently. I am a woman, and so what? What does it mean in your mouth? Far from a sexist conviction, let-alone gallantry... Pity? My time is running out, too quickly so that I can analyze these four words, this brute has almost burnt me to death, but I am still lucid enough to know that it is pretty not like you to use such words, even more about me. You are not a sensitive person, you make short work of an opponent, male or female, strong or weak, and until recently, I was your enemy. You suspect me of duplicity; you think I'm going to betray you all. One cares little about those we do not trust. Why this turnaround?
That was slight; it took only a few seconds before your presence vanished. That insignificant movement, it was a kind of help, even tiny. These words, unclear, perhaps said without intend to be heard, sound like a mystery to me. I'm losing consciousness... Why did you help me, Zoro?

And here is the French original:


Un contact. Léger. Est-ce que je mérite que tu amortisses ma chute ? Cela ne m'aurait pas tué, l'attaque fulgurante m'aura sans doutes rendue insensible à un impact supplémentaire. Et pourtant tu as jailli à mon côté par réflexe, ton avant-bras sous ma taille, me frôlant à peine, sans lâcher tes katana… A quoi penses-tu ? Ne tourne pas le dos à l'ennemi ! Ce prétendu dieu pourrait profiter de ta distraction pour te foudroyer, toi aussi. Ce n'est pas le moment de t'inquiéter d'une femme, d'ordinaire capable de se défendre seule, une femme qui ne t'inspire que la méfiance et à qui tu ne dois rien !
« C'est une femme ». Après ce mouvement en trop pour me rattraper, ce constat insensé. La colère perce dans la déclaration teintée de menace. C'est une femme, tu n'as pas le droit de la frapper si violemment. Je suis une femme, et quoi ? Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire dans ta bouche ? Loin d'une rengaine sexiste, encore moins un enclin à la galanterie… De la pitié ? Je n'ai pas le temps d'analyser ces quatre mots, cette brute m'a presque carbonisée, mais je suis encore assez lucide pour savoir que cela te ressemble trop peu de tenir ce genre de propos, encore plus à mon sujet. Tu n'es pas quelqu'un de sensible, tu ne fais qu'une bouchée de tes adversaires, masculins ou féminins, forts ou faibles, et jusqu'à il y a peu, j'étais ton ennemie. Tu me soupçonnes de duplicité, tu penses que je vais vous trahir. On ne se soucie guère de ceux en qui on n'a pas confiance. Pourquoi ce revirement ?
C'était passager, cela n'a pris que quelques secondes dans le temps avant que ta présence ne s'envole. Ce geste insignifiant, c'est une forme d'aide, même infime. Ces mots, indéchiffrables, prononcés peut-être sans avoir l'intention d'être entendus, résonnent comme un mystère à mes oreilles. Ma conscience se fait de plus en plus ténue… Pourquoi m'as-tu aidée, Zoro ?


Quick note

Just a quick note to apologize about my silence. Nobody will really cares, but I thought I had to post something however you know. I'd like to manage my blog more often, but with my studies I have less and less time for this kind of things. And this is also a problem of inspiration: what am I supposed to write about? Everything is rather well for me at the moment. Routine.
Oh, writing this sentence I have just thought of something that could be interesting (well, from my point of view).

By the way, I'm going to come back to Ireland around April 2012! I said it, I'll be back in Kilkenny! :)
That will just be for a few days because the purpose is to play the touristic guide for my family. But I'm already looking forward!
Also, I'm thinking about going for a six-months internship abroad, after my training (when I'll get this fecking diploma). In an English speaking country, probably.

English, English, still and always! See ya!
If you have seen this girl... (drawn by Alee)