
Some sketchs

Today I had so much time without doing anything, that I drew some sketchs. They are for illustrate a fiction I'm writing about Naruto and Sasuke, and as usual it's no very joyful! But as I was telling my friend Alee, I love cause the characters suffering, I like draw tears running their face, I like show the grief and the despair... Ok, I admit it, I am definitely weird, but it's fine.
The last one is not from me of course, but it's a beautiful fanart named 'Open your eyes Naruto' by Ori, which just stunned me - and it inspired me the fanfiction I was talking about, and the second sketch.
(Apologies for the quality, I took the photos with my phone, had no choice)

By the way it happened a funny thing as I was drawing the third Sasuke: G., the IT man, looked over my shoulder and asked me:'Who is he? or she?' Jesus! '-Nobody never knows if Sasuke is a boy or a girl on my drawings! What's wrong with all of you!'
Actually I didn't answer that. I merely hided the notebook, and as he was insisting to see what I did, I said 'Give up! I'm too shy!' XD


Feeling blue

Not in the mood of doing an article on Kilkenny folks at all. I have exactly twenty days left before come back France, that's going to fly away, but I can't help, and don't wanna struggle.
I feel like writing my first cheerless article. After all there's no limit here. Hopefully it will not sound too dramatic to you, I need to express myself. Just let go if you don't give a shit.
First I weirdly feel sick, maybe because I've eaten the same sandwich and the same noodles at lunch and dinner for one month, basically not really a healthy diet. Plus, I still continue to go to bed by 1 am, getting up at 9 am to arrive at the office at 9:30, totally exhausted, my eyes are kind of blurred by dint of starring at a screen all the fecking day. Not like I was not used to, though.
Fed up with the roomate, too, this is definitely not for me. I miss my little student room in Bordeaux, and my friend Sandra, and my family, and the food, Jesus. The only thing I don't really miss about France is the warm weather. Feel anxious too, coz I don't want to know how I'm gonna go over my driving license (what a PAIN), and a summer job, god I need money!
And I'm wondering. Why the world are people so kind with me? I'm really not worthy of their friendliness. Above all at the moment, imagine a girl (a geek girl, moreover) without a smile on her face, answering the minimum of the minimum requested, not talkative the morning, the evening either. Yesterday I was talking with a friend over the phone, it lasted one hour but I felt like I was the less interesting person in the world. Nothing I can do, I wish I could know how folks can bear me.
Geez, I shouldn't have begun to write this "death fiction" a while ago, I'm such in a morose mood.
I want this place and I don't want it, I want to be by your side but I don't faith in... Your hands have built all what mine have destroyed.
Is this not a nice reflection? Not from me, but it's like it was my own thinking. Goodnight guys (is there still anyone in the room?).

View from the window of my old room in Kilkenny


They won't kill Kenny!

Hey as I'm in Ireland since May 1st, I'll may say a few words about my trip and the town I stay in, Kilkenny. Not history or else, you know, just briefly, to sum up the essentials points.

No you won't!

1: totally scared about take the plane alone and for the first time of my life, awake (likely taken it when I was a baby, well)
2: everyone is speaking TOO FAST, or muttering in one's beard
3: I missed my bus. Sucks.
4: roommate with H., a very special and messy girl, and since this month, with A., a French girl, quite the opposite of H., but both nice
5: first day of internship = splitting headache
6: rest of the internship = alternation of moments of madness and mortal boredom, with a clear predominance of the last
7: a lot of meetings & memories, of course.

And I'm happy to be here, at least, I couldn't imagine doing my internship anywhere else than here. It was fated to. Thanks so much Alee.
Kilkenny Cafe
And people are so nice, that seems cliché to say but this is so true, the Irish mentality is kinda different than French one. We sound so rude near Irish people. I mean, when you ask something to a stranger, whatsoever ordering a sandwich or asking the hour/your way in the street, anything, this stranger will be warming and welcoming and smiling, and when I'm answering the phone (as today for the first time) and I don't get a bloody word, I apologize but they keep cool, there's no problem, never. The co-producer R. tries to speak French with me, I really appreciate it (and it's always funny to listen an Englishspeaker talk French, as well as the opposite, I guess). People try to make you belong in the city and with us, thus I've been inviting to a birthday in a house I still don't even know whose it was, or my collegues talk me about little events in the pubs, asking me if I want to go. Yeah, so deeply different than French corporate world, isnt it... In France, most of the people are not that cool and some just send you packing. Though we're more tactile doing the cheek-to-cheek thing to say hello, here you just shake one's hand the first time you meet and this is it. Jesus, I don't wanna leave, in a way!

Geez, I will likely have more things to say about Kilkenny, I think, although this blog is not dedicated to this purpose.

One thing's certain: I will come back to this city.


Life is such a big trouble when you just don't know what your first article is about

Holly shit, that's the beginning - I hate that. When you start something it's supposed to be the best moment though, coz the end is sad
Anyway. Let's talk about the present. I can tell you anything; at the moment I'm sitting down the sofa in the living room of the house at the 2, Black Mill Street, Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland, Earth. Galaxy unknown. Listening against my will to classic music coming from an old radio. Waiting for my water to boil in the saucepan - yes, it is utterly useless to precise 'in a saucepan' but I learnt this word here, so let me use it. In the meantime, trying to deal with the settings of blogspot (how the hell do you remove these uggly chips in the list of links on the right?). Whatever.
Usually, I have no time, or rather no inspiration to run a blog, update it with my news & all that stuff. It's trendy so it's likely that the mode made me change my mind, and I felt like I need to have a blog me too, but in which I will only write in English. That's why perhaps nobody will read anything written down here, thinking I just wanna give it like 'Oh look, I speak English, AMAZING!' no man, I need to check one word out of five in a dictionnary online, that's not what you call 'bilingual', definitely. So, be kind, forgive the grammar mistakes etc, as long as you understand more or less, it's OK, isn't it?

This is my neck