
Love is simple

A song that makes me feel nostalgical and peaceful. I have never known love though, but it sounds so beautiful.
And perhaps I recognize myself in the lyrics. Don't be afraid... It's only love. I feel like I need to protect myself from this dangerous feeling, it has hurted too much, too many times. I mean, real love, not from family, nor from friends. That's not the first time I think about it. I'm looking for reciprocity, but each time I'm really in love with a guy, it's hopeless. But in a way, I'm lucky, because I fall in love every two years approx, ha ha.
I sometimes wonder how people meet, how two human beings manage to find each other on all the earth, and love each other in a perfect harmony and reciprocity. It looks like an impossible mission, to me! So what is this aberration, love is simple?! At least, is there a meaning in this assertion? What do you think.That's nonsense, isn't it.
It's like searching for a shamrock with four leaves. So I call off the search now. Anyway, the best I can do, and the only thing I know how to do, is waiting.


  1. I really love your article because it is full of humanity. I already know that, even if I write you and also wish you the same things again, it won't change your feelings of the moment. But I keep going because, like you said, who the hell can't see how much you're so great ?! ;-)

    On one hand, do you know why love can be considered as being so simple ? Simply because everyone is capable to love each other but, on the other hand, it's not as easy as we can think when we have not found that love yet. I know what it is to wait and wait in that way, even if I have a boyfriend now, but it doesn't change the fact that I really understand what you're feeling at this moment. One day, you'll have that reciprocity and you'll know what it is to love and be loved so much, how wonderful that famous and precious sharing is with the other. It's impossible not to find your soul mate when we both know how many people is waiting like you for the same.

    Words and ideas can change the world. That's why I keep wishing you and hoping the same for you too. ^-^

    The song is also beautiful like you wrote it here and I think the way you speak about it has a kind of beauty. So, don't be afraid... it's only love. Many things can hurt us but it's better to live it and discover how wonderful love, people and things can be than never know it, isn't it ?

    Have a good evening and weekend ! I'm sending you lots of courage for tomorrow in hoping it won't be too difficult.

    Love is a part of us. When you'll meet that person wich will be so special for you, you'll see how it is natural and part of people to just love and share in that fabulous way. n_n

    Take care my friend. ~ <3 *

  2. Great dissertation Tei (and Nia) and beatiful song. I've so much to tell but I'm not able to write here. I only want to say that I believe love is not only a feeling or a misterious tendence, love comes true when it becomes compromise. Sören Kierkegard (my favourite phylosopher) said that spontaneous love who is satisfied only to be, it can not be free from some anxiety, cause it may change. On the contrary, true love, who has made eternal by becoming duty never changes. This thought inspires me. I hope be useful... ;)
